
Meet the Myth busters

Last November, a severe hailstorm hit the Adelaide Hills area, impacting apples as they were just beginning to grow. Eighty-five per cent of the state’s apple crop is grown in the Adelaide Hills, and all apple orchards sustained some damage during the widespread storm.

This damage means there are small marks on many apples, but these marks do not affect the quality, nutrition or taste.

More than ever, Adelaide Hills growers need our support. We encourage you to help make a difference by cutting food waste by purchasing Hailstorm Heroes packs at any local supermarket and green grocer.

Last year, South Aussies crunched their way through more than 1000 tonnes of Hailstorm Heroes fruit, helping growers salvage some returns for their crop. That is a massive effort! And we want to reach that number, if not overcome it, this time round.

Support local growers by sharing this page, or by liking and sharing our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages..

Support SA apple and pear growers and grab some Hailstorm Heroes.

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